Dec 23, 2011

How can I get my blog well ranked in google search engine optimization (SEO)

I am trying for a logn time to learn for long time, to advertise my new blog for certain position of topics which can get quick acknowledgement in Google search results. If I post a hot and important article, visitor won’t be so far back to my link because other blog has posted that subjected product and it’s mostly considered that they will be ranked first. No doubt my new post will remain lower in the rank of search engine. 

For achieving a good search listing in Google it does not need always to be a SEO expert, but what we need to know the basic and fundamentals of Google search engine. I have to have a watch on my search listing result regarding my articles. I also need to start to understand articles which are working better for me. It does not always essentially indicate one certain subject is scheduled higher than the other, if it is not as described about in the consideration of higher ranked blog. Generally when my blog is at first stage, it may be the best to discuss about position at first if I require good in search listing almost as soon as possible. 

I always keep in mind that I need to post new content now and then. The reason is the subject on which I am making post; it happens that others are also blogging on the same issues. The negative effect which will hamper my search result is other’s same posted subject will replace my search rank. That is why I have to submit newest subject related post and it should be a regular practice. This practice may reach me the best position in search listing.  

Another important subject on SEO is building back link on other blogs which are high in rank. For fulfilling this aim I submit my blog to site directories. When my blog is linked to high ranked directories or blog Google will be able to find me and keep my blog in search engine list. When my blog is linked to high ranked website or blog it is credible in the sense of search engine optimization. 

An interesting and effective way to get a good search result is joining and taking part in forum discussion. I the forum permit me I join to the renowned one. Here I link my blog. Whether the visitors click or not on my blog link, a strong back link is made there. On my forum signature many member may click on my link

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